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Announcement on Breakthrough Prize collaboration

On Saturday the Life Sciences Breakthrough Prize is set to be awarded to three of the scientists - now senior executives at Vertex Pharmaceuticals - who helped to develop lifesaving cystic fibrosis (CF) modulator drugs. As part of our campaign to win access to these vital medicines for every patient, everywhere, we wrote to the Breakthrough Prize Foundation detailing our concerns about the deep inequality and injustice facing CF patients, and setting out our campaign goals.

We are pleased to announce that, after discussions with the Breakthrough Prize organisers, they have recognised the importance of the work we are doing with the global CF community to overcome the monopolies and high prices denying patients access to the products of the scientific developments being recognised through the prize. They have made a significant financial commitment to fund the work of the Right to Breathe campaign over the coming three years.

They have also stated their belief in the vital importance of equitable access to the fruits of scientific innovation to ensure health justice for all, and have confirmed that a statement to that effect will be made during the awards ceremony in LA.

Whilst we see these as important steps, we will continue to do all in our power to overcome the injustice CF patients and their families face, redoubling our efforts to force Vertex to drop their prices and patent claims around the world so all patients get affordable, sustainable access to these drugs. We will also work with the Breakthrough Prize Foundation to formalise a long term commitment to support community efforts to secure equitable access to medicines and other scientific developments that help people to realise their right to health. As further details are confirmed we will share them publicly and with the CF community.


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